Click here to take the USD 239 Strategic Input Survey.
USD 239 Master Course Syllabus List
Superintendent, Dr. Curtis Stevens
Email: cstevens@usd239.org
Click here to take the USD 239 Strategic Input Survey.
USD 239 Master Course Syllabus List
Superintendent, Dr. Curtis Stevens
Email: cstevens@usd239.org
Apply for Free and Reduced-Price School Meals
Families are encouraged to use the following link to apply for free or reduced-price meals. Families can complete the application anytime before or during the school year. Completing the application process not only helps with determining meal eligibility, but qualifying also brings other benefits such as free or reduced price curriculum fees, fee waivers for college applications, the ACT test, and funding for the school district to support our local educational programs. Additional information about the application process and eligibility is linked below.